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...PMAN COMMUNIQUE [full text] by PMAN NEC MEETING 30/05/2016

Full Text Of The COMMUNIQUE Release By PMAN At NEC Meeting 30/05/2016

Following the National Executive Council (N.E.C) meeting of the Performing Musicians Employers’ Association of Nigeria – (PMAN) held on Monday 30th May, 2016 at the White House Hotel, Toyin Street, Ikeja – Lagos, the under listed State Chapters of the Union were fully represented. They are:

1. Lagos 2.Ogun 3.Oyo 4.Kwara 5.Osun 6.Ekiti 7.Ondo 8.Edo 9.Kogi 10.Abuja 11.Kaduna 12.Nasarawa 13.Plateau 14.Benue 15.Enugu 16.Ebonyi 17.Abia 18. Imo 19. Anambra 20.Rivers 21.Bayelsa 22. Cross River 23. Akwa Ibom 24. Adamawa states respectively.

After debates and considerations of issues raised at the meeting, Council adopted the following resolutions:

1. That in recognition and observance of the consent Judgment delivered on the 31stOctober 2014 which established this Out-going Interim National Executive Caretaker Committee of PMAN that stipulated an eighteen months tenure period for the executive committee, the judgment further directed the executive to thereafter convene a National Delegates Conference and conduct elections into various offices in PMAN in accordance with the provisions of the PMAN Constitution. Consequent upon the above, Council therefore agreed and resolved that the Interim National Executive Caretaker Committee shall remain in office until its mandate from the said judgment is fully discharged. In the exercise of this mandate, the National Executive Council hereby resolves as follows :

2. That as shown in the attendance register, this meeting has recorded more than two thirds of the entire membership as against the required one third to form a quorum as contained in the PMAN Constitution. Therefore, whatever decision or resolution that is adopted in this meeting is valid and binding accordingly.

3. That a disciplinary committee is hereby constituted by this Council. However, names of the members, chairman and secretary of the Disciplinary Committee shall be made public as soon as confirmation of acceptance of members of the committee is received.

4. That the terms of reference of the National Disciplinary Committee shall be announced on the day of its inauguration.

5. That the primary assignment of the Disciplinary Committee shall be to look into the activities, actions and inactions of members who may have committed one form of anti-union activity or the other with a view to meting out appropriate sanctions in conformity with constitutional provisions.

6. That Council also observed with displeasure the menace and nuisance caused by some aggrieved members of the Union who are shamelessly parading themselves all over the place as officials and officers of the Union without any legal backing. Council hereby warns those in this rampage to desist henceforth from doing so or face the consequences accordingly. For example: Julietta Ofuyeta is our chapter Chairman in the F.C.T while Zubby Enebeli s in charge in Delta State. In Rivers State Muma Gee is the authentic Chairperson while Chaika Banton is our man in Akwa Ibom State respectively. Any other person parading himself or herself in this capacity in these areas are interlopers and should be treated as such.

7. Council also resolved that the Biennial National Delegates of PMAN shall hold onTuesday 4th of October 2016 in strict adherence to the consent judgment that brought about this executive as we shall not fail to abide by the spirit and letter of that judgment.

8. That electoral guidelines for the forth-coming National Delegate Conference shall be made public at least two months before the Delegates conference proper. Other resolutions made at the meeting are as follows:

That the Interim National Executive Committee should pursue with vigor all pending cases in various courts including those in the National Industrial courts, Federal High Courts and Court of Appeal as the case may be with a view to ensuring final conclusion of equity and justice there upon.


The compulsory bar-coding of all musical and film works released in Nigeria shall commence as soon as the on-going negotiations and discussions between PMAN and The Federal Ministry of Information & Culture on one hand and the Nigeria Copyright Commission (N.C.C) on the other hand are concluded, we shall then announce the date for the commencement of the bar-code regime in Nigeria as the measure is designed a. to protect the works creator, b. the investors, and c. to be able to determine the contribution of the music industry into the annual G.D.P of the Nation since Nigerian music have been rated one of the best in the world today.

In keeping with our vision of reforming and repositioning of the Nigerian Music Industry to live up to its billing, that a New Anti-Piracy Strategy has been adopted. And that Council has approved the Synergy between PMAN and the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (E.F.C.C) which shall provide the frame work for holistic anti-piracy drive since piracy has been identified as an economic crime not just against the works owners but also the nation at large.

9. That Council commends the Nigeria police for its efforts at pursuing and investigating petitions submitted against those who were fingered in connection to the PMAN landed properties in Abuja.

10.That Council hereby implores the police high command to please intensify their efforts at bringing to book all those involved in this national malaise albeit, fraud and corruption.

11. That the PMAN National Executive Council also wishes to use this opportunity to commend His Excellency, President Muhammadu Buhari for his untiring efforts at stamping out corruption in whatever guise in the country. We say Mr. President, more grease to your able elbows.

Long live PMAN!!! Long live President Muhammadu Buhari!!!!! Long live the Federal Republic of Nigeria!!!!!

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