[GOSSIP] 26 year old student Sells Her Virginity Online For $1.4 Million to A Hollywood Actor
On one hand, this woman quite literally just sold her body. On the other hand, Jasmin, a 26-year-old that auctioned off her virginity for €1.2 million ($1,488,043.48), made a huge payday. It all seems very problematic. The student, who lives in London, listed her virginity on Cinderella Escorts in hopes of getting enough cash to start her own business. The German-based company says the highest bidder was “one of [her] favorite actors from Hollywood.” according to the Daily Mail. The winner managed to outbid a businessman from Munich and a soccer star from Manchester United.

“My parents supported me from beginning. They know everything and agree,” Jasmin, no last name given, said in a statement to the Mail. “I am 26 and they know that I am adult enough for deciding alone what I do with my body. As I met the actor already and I was always a big fan of [his], I am more nervous as a fan than about losing my virginity. But who knows. Maybe I will get more nervous when we meet in the hotel.” The date is set to happen in a hotel in April in Germany, where the transaction is legal.
Wow. There’s a lot to unpack here. There’s the idea that virginity, specifically a female’s virginity, is an object that has monetary value. There’s the act of auctioning off the right for a man to be the first one to have sex with a woman (and all the power dynamics there.) There’s also the fact that supposedly, three very rich gentlemen thought it was a good idea to plunk down up to a million Euros just so they could be the first man to have sex with a random stranger. Jasmin’s decision has probably launched a dozen sociology and women’s studies papers.
“I really respect ladies who are traditional and want to wait for sex after marriage. I was one of them,” she said while speaking to The Sun. “I really wanted to wait for the right one. But I don’t want to wait any longer. So I chose another way which will make me happy. I am sure about my decision. Let’s be honest, who would not prefer to take a million rather than having the first time again with a guy who most likely has already left?”

Cinderella Escorts has become notorious for selling the virginity of at least four other young European women. The agency, run by Jan Zakobielski, 27, will take a 20% of the auction price. He also guarantees that he will ensure Jasmin’s safety. “We accompany the girls to the meeting and are in vicinity if problems arise,” he sad, per The Sun. “Of course the women can cancel the meeting at any point if they feel uncomfortable or the customer was unkempt or not a gentleman.”