Sign Pettition: Why the UN Should Ban Religion In Public Places - King Assibong

Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and different beliefs systems are mental disorders, and religious confidence is preposterous, barbaric and hurtful.
In Most parts of the world, people experience great setback in tackling humanitarian advancement also due to different conspiracy propaganda propagated by different religious bodies throughout the ages. This goes a long way to encourage majority in not complying with the preventive directions from the World Health Organization and Government against coronavirus as well as other reoccurring social challenges.
What Is A Psychological Disorder?
A psychological disorder is a dysfunctional behavior and mental issue are various terms that periodically are clarifying a similar disease. Emotional well-being experts now and then can't concede to the most ideal approach to depict what they are. Some accept psychological instability doesn't exist by any means. However it is accepted that society utilizes psychiatry and brain science as an approach to control the populace. In any case, huge scholastic establishments essentially concede to an operational meaning of what dysfunctional behavior/mental issues are and RELIGION IS ONE OF SUCH.
Where religion convinced the world that there's an imperceptible man in the sky who observes all that you do. Likewise, there are things he expects you not to do or, more than likely you'll be put in an expending spot with a pool of fire. Regardless, he loves you! … And he needs money! He's God anyway but he can't do without money!
"Article 20, paragraph 2 of the Covenant states: Any advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence shall be prohibited by law. The ICCPR binds all signatory countries. (UNITED NATIONS)"
Please Sign for Humanity Sake
King Assibong
To Sign the Petition! CLICK HERE
Where religion convinced the world that there's an imperceptible man in the sky who observes all that you do. Likewise, there are things he expects you not to do or, more than likely you'll be put in an expending spot with a pool of fire. Regardless, he loves you! … And he needs money! He's God anyway but he can't do without money!
"Article 20, paragraph 2 of the Covenant states: Any advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence shall be prohibited by law. The ICCPR binds all signatory countries. (UNITED NATIONS)"
Please Sign for Humanity Sake
King Assibong
To Sign the Petition! CLICK HERE