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Covid-19: Atiku Son's Continues to test positive despite being placed on medication for 28 days.

Mohammed Abubakar, a son of Nigeria’s former vice-president of Nigeria Atiku Abubakar who tested positive of covid-19 last month, following the fear of the death of the Chief of Staff of Nigeria, Abba Kyari ignited this post from Atiku Abubakar followingthe result of Mohammed Abubakar, a son of Nigeria’s former vice-president, has again tested positive for coronavirus.

Atiku Abubakar posted on twitter saying"A medical official familiar with his case disclosed that Mohammed has continued to test positive despite being placed on medication for 28 days.When we lose critical medical personnel in the frontline, we inadvertently compromise the fight against COVID19.

Atiku further publicised that "The loss of over a dozen lives in a fire at the IDP camp in Ngala, Borno State, leaving scores injured and hundreds homeless makes me sad. May the souls of the deceased rest in peace. I hope that help will be expedited for the injured and homeless. -AA"

After the death of the Chief of Staff of Nigeria, Abba Kyari Atiku Abubakar Posted this as a condolence message "Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un. I am saddened by the death of Chief of Staff, Abba Kyari. May Allah SWT comfort his family, forgive his sins and grant him AlJannah Firdaus. Ameen"