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Credit Card Companies Refused to Work with Pastor after he promoted a fake remedy called the "Silver Solution" for Coronavirus.

TV preacher Jim Bakker has approached his watchers for a money related bailout in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, cautioning that he could be compelled to "petition for financial protection" except if they buy his items.

Bakker professed to be "living in the last days" while peddling items to watchers during an ongoing communicate. He recommended that America could be "through" if individuals went "a misguided course" before encouraging watchers to send him checks to support his funds, which have been affected after Mastercard handling organizations as of late cut him off. He offered to sell portions of his Morningside compound to pay for discounts on items while mourning that his penance could bring about chapter 11.

"We are living in the last days and in the event that we go a misguided course, America is through," Bakker told watchers. "You need to utilize a check [to buy products]. Your items are going to come to you. All of them will come to you, come right to your home, and on the off chance that we can't, we are going to discount. I will sell the structures, portions of the structures at Morningside over the long haul on the off chance that you give me a possibility. Try not to let me need to seek financial protection."

He additionally guaranteed that his faultfinders needed his "head on a platter" however demanded that God was his ally as he pledged to succeed, in spite of paying for attorneys that he said were out to "drain" him.

"They're as of now draining us to death, and now we will need to pay legal counselors that will drain you to death," Bakker proceeded. "I realize that they are watching me at the present time, and they're having a great time. They're painting the town, and they're stating, 'Goodness, we got to... we've whipped Jim Bakker at long last.'

"I accept that God needs me not to stop when some enemy of Christ individual stops me," he included. "I'll stop for a minute, all of you may need my head on a platter, and you may get it, yet I'll be gone to Heaven, and you're not going to win."

Charge card processors would not work with Bakker after the TV minister advanced a phony cure called the "Silver Solution" as compelling against the coronavirus, bringing about legitimate difficulties that are likely the explanation he is presently paying for legal advisors. The item isn't successful in treating, relieving or forestalling the infection in individuals and contains colloidal silver, a substance known to cause argyria, a condition that can for all time stain skin a blue-dim shading.

Bakker was indicted on numerous includes of extortion in 1989 and went through about five years in jail before in the long run coming back to televangelism. His communicates have much of the time concentrated on selling enhancements and "end times" supplies to watchers, including huge pails of "crisis" saved nourishment like broccoli and cheddar that he has proposed could twofold as compact toilets once the nourishment has been eaten.

Newsweek connected with Bakker for input yet didn't get a reaction in time for distribution.