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FDA commissioner Warns "Do not eat or inject yourself with disinfectant as cure for Coronavirus" as suggested by Trump

On Thursday, US President Donald Trump suggested that scientists may want to explore bringing UV light inside the body to kill a Covid-19 infection, or should consider the use of disinfectant that "knocks it out in a minute ... by injection inside or almost a cleaning."

"I certainly wouldn't recommend the internal ingestion of a disinfectant," said US Food and Drug Administration commissioner Dr. Stephen Hahn, who is also a member of the White House coronavirus task force.

Speaking on CNN's global coronavirus town hall, Hahn added that it's a "natural question" given that there is some preliminary data showing that light therapy can have an impact on the coronavirus.

Dr. Leana Wen, the former Baltimore health commissioner, agreed that nobody should be ingesting bleach or other disinfectants.

"I don't think there's any need to hedge on that," she said. "Do not try these things at home, and follow your doctor's advice and follow good public health guidance."


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