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Stop breeding kids that are damaged and weakened in self confidence - Akingbade Thomas

Analog parents, raising digital kids.

I posted the video of a father slapping and insulting his son on facebook (CLICK HERE TO WATCH) and asked if his action was a spank or physical and verbal abuse.

Interestingly, the spank option came about from my debate with a lady, who advocates against actions that can precipitate depression or suicidal tendency.

She said what the father did, was spanking. I told her it's an abuse and not spanking. At a point, i had to look up the meaning of spank.

Even when i asked her to cross check her understanding of what spank means, she still insisted that it was spank. I left her to her assertion.

Interestingly also, of all the persons that said it's a spank and assert that the punishment was in order on that post yesterday, non of them made reference to AGE APPROPRIATE DISCIPLINE.

The dysfunctional Age appropriate parenting in this part of the world, is a strong factor responsible for the entrenched psychological fabric, that's largely lacking in CREATIVE, INITIATIVE and INDEPENDENT thoughts and behavior in our population.

Societies that have the type of parenting, where earlier method of instilling values, manners and sense of judgement, is more of confidence building, than confidence erosion, have more population that are intelligent and exceptionally productive. 

Spanking will be appropriate for kids below 5yrs. Slapping will be abusive. Talking down on such kids will erode their confidence and weaken their innate inquisitive behaviour, which is a cardinal trait required for intelligent behavior. 

Above that age and till adolescent age, having conversation with your kids on issues of concerns and apportioning discipline that deprives them of non basic pleasure, will encourage confidence building and intelligent behaviour.

What i see around here, is that most parents aren't raising kids with the understanding of helping the kids, to develop along their peculiar strength and weakness.

Most parents don't even know the generational challenges that confront their kids. Living in 20th century, is a great leap from living in 21st century.

Most parents are transferring their failures and frustration on their kids, whenever they instill discipline.

Even among the educated parents, that one would have expected to imbibe informed parenting method, are still found in the habit of imposing career choice on their kids.

You hear ridiculous talk like; if my parents hadn't battered me in the name of instilling discipline, i would have turned out a failure in life... Mtcheeew 

How about kids that were treated with dignity of self confidence building and were never dehumanized with cane or slap, but still turned out a more successful adults?

Stop breeding kids that are damaged and weakened in self confidence.

Your kids aren't the cause of your failures and frustration. Stop being a monster and rabid beast to innocent and helpless kids. 

They never asked you to bring them into the world. Don't destroy their innocence, dignity and self confidence. 

© Akingbade Thomas