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Man ties Face masks around his goats' muzzles to protect them against COVID-19

After a tiger tested positive for the novel coronavirus in the United States, A Venkateshwara Rao, a resident of Kallur Mandal, covered his goats' muzzles with masks in a bid to protect them from COVID-19.

Fearing COVID-19, man starts tying masks around his goats' muzzles

After a tiger tested positive for the novel coronavirus in the United States, A Venkateshwara Rao, a resident of Kallur Mandal, covered his goats' muzzles with masks in a bid to protect them from COVID-19.

"I own 20 goats and my family is entirely dependent on them as we don't own any land for farming. After I heard about coronavirus, I started wearing a mask whenever I stepped out," Rao said.

After hearing about a tiger testing positive for the deadly virus, Rao started tying masks around his goats' muzzles too.

"I have started tying masks around my goats' mouths after I heard COVID-19 infected a tiger in the USA. Since I am wearing a mask myself, I even decided to make my goats wear masks while foraging in the forest area."

Earlier, a tiger housed at the Bronx Zoo in New York tested positive for the novel coronavirus, making it the first known infection in an mal anywhere.