NIGERIA: Lockdown now declared indefinitely

President Muhammadu Buhari , on Saturday, expanded the lockdown on Lagos, Ogun and Abuja, uncertainly proclaiming them "fundamental" to vanquish the coronavirus pandemic in the nation.
He additionally asked Nigerians to "watch limitations on development where they are in place"during the Easter occasion.
The President in an announcement discharged by Presidential representative, Garba Shehu pronounced that the lockdown forced for starting time of 14 days from March 29, will presently keep going as long "as our logical counsels proclaim they are essential."
"For the individuals who endure most intolerably" during the lockdown, Buhari said the legislature was set to help with grains and conveyance of little money installments.
"No chosen government could solicit more from the residents of the nation that chosen them than today we ask of you," the President said.
He further stated: "However we should ask you – again – to watch limitations on development where they are set up, and adhere to the guidelines of our researchers and clinical counselors: remain at home, wash your hands, spare lives.
"We request that you tune in and follow open declarations by means of the broad communications for guidelines with respect to how to get this administration support – and learn of increasingly open help with the coming days.
"All that the Government is requesting that you suffer is on the grounds that no place on the planet today is there any known method for vanquishing this pandemic. There is no immunization. Furthermore, that implies there are decisions to be made: between proceeding obviously, or tolerating the limitations in any event, when they accompany unintended outcomes.
"Be that as it may, at this breaking point, it remains our obligation to offer you the full and unvarnished truth: This is a worldwide pandemic. 210 nations and domains over the globe are influenced. We can't anticipate that others should provide to our with some timely help. Nobody is coming to vanquish this infection for us.
"Rather, the annihilation of the infection in our nation will be in our grasp, alone. We can't hang tight for other people. We can just rely upon ourselves now. Thus we should – and we will – end this episode ourselves as Nigerians, together."