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Nigeria recive €1.2 million for coronavirus response support from EU

The United Nations (UN) on Tuesday announced that it got EUR 1.2 million from the European Union for the course of action of lifesaving availability and response practices for COVID-19 in Nigeria.

Mr Geoffrey Njoku, Communications Specialist, UNICEF Nigeria, revealed this in a declaration in Abuja on Tuesday.

The UN said the assistance was a result of the reliable addition number of COVID-19 cases in Nigeria, nearby concerns around the need to scale-up general prosperity preparation and response.

It in like manner said that the supportive financing got would help the UN's COVID-19 response in Nigeria.

This, it said would be by attracting with systems on the most ideal approach to best shield themselves from the disease and giving principal prosperity supplies where they were required most.

"With these fundamental resources from the EU, the UN all things considered in Nigeria is in a better circumstance than achieve the huge work of attracting with systems on how they can prevent the spread of this disease.

"It will similarly enhance the organization's undertakings to ensure that social protection workers can continue with the fundamental work they are currently doing to test and treat cases in the country," it refered to Peter Hawkins, UNICEF Representative in Nigeria.

It furthermore said:"In these troublesome events, the EU is keeping up its generous assistance to the most vulnerable people in Nigeria.

"Where we have bolstered close €271.5 million (116 billion NGN) in emergency sustenance help, spread, access to clean water, neatness and sanitation, and crucial fundamental social protection since 2014," it furthermore refered to Thomas Conan, Head of the EU's Humanitarian Aid Office in Nigeria.

It said that with EU financing, UNICEF would include the undertakings in progress in the country to contain the spread of the disease and moderate its assets.

According to the declaration, It will help with the emergency response to recognized cases, similarly as shirking and status measures for possible future scenes in jam-pressed urban regions and camps for inside removed people in Nigeria's north-east area.

It said that the Nigeria Center for Disease Control, and overall prosperity pioneers far and wide, are urging that physical expelling, washing of hands constantly and staying at home will help basically to stop the progression of the contamination.