Breaking News

"No more imigrants in U.S." President Trump issues orders in midnight tweet to media houses.

The word "imigrant" is not a new mention in President Trump's mouth, it did dominate his previous elections in his race to White House. At that time , president Trump mainly targeted to he called " ilegal imigrants" whom he accused of engang in criminal activities including drug trafficking.

But now it's about "legitimate" imigrants. People with proper travel documents as well as valid work Permits. He says his move is meant to protect the American people from further infections of COVID-19, and that he must protect their Jobs.

What is raising serious concern is the timing of the Presidents tweet. Which his critics are calling "... a mistirious midnight tweet."

This is happening after just a few hours following the Democratic party's Presidential norminations in which Joe Biden was handed the Party's ticket to take on President Trump in the Nov.3. 2020 Presidential elections.

President Donald Trump has been quite controversial with the issue of imigrants since he got to power as president of America. At some point he even threatened to ban Muslims from entering U.S, the matter was contested in court and his decision reversed. It should be remembered , President Trump has since embarked on building a huge wall along the Mexican border, just stop ilegal imigrants from the neighboring Mexico.

This latest move by Trump is viewed by his critics as selfish and politically motivated aimed to entice political emotions.