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Poverty, Hardship and Misery tied to financial lack, are 95% Your Fault - Akingbade Thomas

Let me break it down for you

1. Some of you ought to have had the best of family support, educational training and better positioning for opportunities, but the fact that your parents had so many children and lesser financial capacity to provide, you're greatly disadvantaged today.

2. Some of you are having it extremely rough financially now, because your disadvantaged early life made you arrive late. The now financial responsibility towards your parents and equally suffering siblings has further made a mess of your little earnings that can't even meet your basic needs.

3. You're terribly filled with regrets about how you squandered your past years of financial abundance now. You didn't know any better, because you lacked financial intelligence and your religious beliefs told you that God did it then and he'll continue to do it. Now that you're back to zero, now you're confused.

4. We told you that planning is central to the achievement of good life that's sustainable. Nope, you didn't pay attention. You went ahead to get married when you could barely live well. You got married to someone that's a liability financially. You didn't stop, you went further to produce children in numbers that has further deepen your financial misery.

5. As it's now, your capacity to escaping poverty is strongly complicated. Where are you gonna start from? Because of your misery, you can't even up your productivity. Your kids have started to adjust to gradual decline into hardship.
Poverty, Hardship and Misery tied to financial lack, are 95% of the times tied to the choices and decisions that you make. 

If you're young and single, i present to you above, the bits of choices that plunge people into the misery of poverty.

Put a premium value on your time and skills. Stay far from emotional trips. 

Think  and research about how to be successful and sustain success, until you see yourself on auto cruise to success.

Stamp it on your conscious and subconscious self, that there's no excuse for failure.

There will always be the miserably poor in human society, but you can make a deliberate effort not to be part of that population.

You can make that choice, yes you can.

You can work and walk yourself out of misery. Yes you can.

Just think and think through to success.

© Akingbade Thomas