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'Rice ATM Machine' Vietnam despenses free rice for people out of work during the coronavirus crisis

A lady fills a plastic pack with rice from a day in and day out programmed rice administering machine in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, on April 11, 2020.

A lady fills a plastic pack with rice from a day in and day out programmed rice administering machine in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, on April 11, 2020.

(CNN)A machine that gives out free rice - it sounds unrealistic. In any case, these "rice ATMs" have been set up around Vietnam to enable the individuals who to require it most during the coronavirus pandemic.

Vietnam has 265 instances of the novel coronavirus and zero passings, numbers that are altogether lower than the remainder of the world. Yet at the same time, to forestall additionally spread, the legislature has upheld social separating, adequately closing down numerous private ventures and keep thousands separate from work.

For these individuals who are out of nowhere without salary, businesspeople and givers have set up machines that administer free rice at a few urban areas across Vietnam.

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In Hanoi, rice contained in an enormous water tank empties out into inhabitants' sacks from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. every day, as indicated by state-run news office VNA.

Those holding up in line are required to stand six feet separated from one another and they should utilize hand sanitizer before accepting their rice, as per neighborhood paper Hanoi Times.

In the focal city of Hue, a rice ATM situated at a school gives 2 kilograms (4.4 pounds) of free rice for neighborhood inhabitants.

In Ho Chi Minh City, a rice ATM administers rice every minute of every day. Also, in Da Nang, two rice ATMs will be set up one week from now, as indicated by VNA.