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‘Witches’ group challenges Apostle Suleman, asked him to Heal one patient and get one thousand dollars

The Advocacy for Alleged Witches (AFAW) has tested Apostle Johnson Suleman of the Omega Fire Ministries, Auchi, Edo State, to recuperate anybody with an affirmed instance of COVID-19 and get a thousand US dollars from the gathering. 

Review that AFAW had on Sunday assaulted Suleman for requesting that legislature ought to permit ministers into detachment focuses to implore and recuperate COVID-19 patients. 

The gathering remains disheartened by Suleman's message to the President Muhammadu Buhari's administration, to permit ministers to mend COVID-19 patients. 

In an article made accessible to DAILY POST by the author of the Nigerian Humanist Movement, Leo Igwe, on Tuesday, the gathering it is testing Suleman to mend, not a few people, not ten or fifteen patients but rather only one individual with the viral disease. 

He included, "I am testing the originator of Omega Ministries, Apostle Suleman to exhibit his alleged endowment of mending under concurred clinical and logical conditions. 

"I ask Suleman to recuperate an individual with an affirmed instance of COVID-19 and get a thousand US dollars. This test has become important in light of the fact that Apostle Suleman has in an ongoing video, asked the administration of Nigeria to permit him and different ministers with the endowment of mending into the confinement habitats so they could implore and recuperate the individuals who have been tainted by the infection. 

"This solicitation ought not go unattended. Suleman explicitly said that the talented ministers could recuperate 18 out of 20 COVID-19 patients. This is a sensible number. Right? 

"Also, in an ongoing tweet, Apostle Suleman avowed that (his) God was greater than the Coronavirus. This test is for Suleman to recuperate, not 2 or 3 people, not 10 or 15 patients but rather one individual with a viral disease. 

"For a really long time, individuals from different strict customs have professed to be able to mend a wide range of sicknesses, including jungle fever, diabetes, hepatitis, and HIV/AIDS. Self-acclaimed godmen and ladies have sorted out mending/supplication meetings where they probably disposed of sicknesses through confidence and petitions. This capacity, whenever demonstrated to be successful, could be a colossal asset at a time like this when the world is attempting to contain an awful pandemic, that is assaulting numerous pieces of the world. 

"By chance, confidence mending in Africa has to a great extent been underestimated. Confidence recuperating claims have gone unchallenged and untested. There has not been any significant exertion to consider African confidence healers responsible or get them to straightforwardly and freely show the intensity and viability of their recuperating suggestions under logical testing conditions. The episode of COVID-19 offers a plentiful chance to understand this – to test and affirm the much-acknowledged recuperating endowments and capacities of ministers. 

"So I therefore challenge Apostle Suleman to demonstrate that he can recuperate COVID-19 patients through supplication. Messenger Suleman will get one thousand US dollars for any demonstrated instance of confidence recuperating of a COVID-19 patient under concurred logical conditions. 

"Suleman ought to consent to petition God for a COVID-19 patient from any place he is since going into the segregation habitats without face covers and individual defensive hardware isn't restoratively allowed and would abuse existing laws and guidelines. 

"All things considered, Jesus performed supernatural occurrences a ways off (John 4: 46-54). Isn't that right? And furthermore, the Bible orders devotees to supplicate covertly, and that the petitions would be replied (Matthew 6:6). 

"So it isn't fundamental for Apostle Suleman or any skilled minister to get into the segregation places before they could supplicate and mend any COVID-19 patient. 

"In addition, Suleman ought to look at this as a standing test, which he could acknowledge after the antibody has been found and guidelines on overseeing COVID-19 disease have been loose. 

"Else, I challenge Apostle Suleman to recuperate a HIV/AIDS understanding through supplication and bring home a thousand US dollars. 

"HIV is another viral disease that is murdering numerous individuals in Nigeria and over the world. Messenger Suleman should utilize this window to show under clinical and logical conditions his heavenly endowment of recuperating. 

"He should show Nigerians and the remainder of the world that his God is really greater than an infection, regardless of whether it is COVID-19 or HIV. I trust that Apostle Suleman or some other talented minister acknowledges this demand and takes advantage of this lucky break to exhibit the intensity and viability of confidence mending."

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