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6 Characteristics of Self-Actualized People

6 Characteristics of Self-Actualized People

Are you a self-actualized person?  This term, ‘self-actualized’, is one that has been used by scientists and researchers in the field of Psychology.  So, what does it mean?
Self-actualization means a lot of things.  It is when one expresses their unique creativity, it is one’s quest for spiritual enlightenment, it is the pursuit of knowledge, it is the inherent need to give back to society.
According to Abraham Maslow and his hierarchy of needs theory, self-actualization is the final tier of psychological development, the one that occurs once all other basic and mental needs have been fulfilled.
Self-actualization can be viewed as synonymous with self-discovery, self-reflection, self-realization and self-exploration.
Maslow has noted that his hierarchy is not as rigid as it is often portrayed; the order in which one’s needs are fulfilled will not always be the same for everyone.  Some individuals will value self-esteem over the need for love, some will value creative fulfillment over even the most basic of needs.
Here are six characteristics of the self-actualized person:
Acceptance & Realism
Self-actualized individuals do not float in fairy-tale worlds.  The views that they carry of themselves, those around them, and the world in general are all very realistic and grounded.
The self-actualized individual focuses mainly on finding resolutions to problems that are outside of him or herself.  This includes helping others and coming up with solutions to problems on a macro scale.  
The self-actualized person is spontaneous by nature.  Their thoughts and behaviors are open and unconventional at times, even though they have no trouble operating within societal norms and expectations.
Autonomy & Solitude
The self-actualized person enjoys a strong sense of independence and privacy.  They are fully capable of enjoying social settings, but also enjoy time to focus on themselves.
Sustained Appreciation
Self-actualized individuals carry with them a persistent sense of appreciation for the world around them.  They’re constantly in awe, even when it comes to mundane and everyday experiences.
Peak Experiences
Self-actualized individuals often have peak experiences.  These experiences are moments of immense joy, wonder, awe or ecstasy.  These experiences lead the self-actualized individual to feel renewed or transformed, instilling them with a great sense of strength and inspiration.

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