There are a lot of different kinds of Animals in the world today, some of which possess some unthinkable abilities and look very weird. There are also some Animals who just got discovered in recent times by Geographers. This is a list of some Animals you might have never seen before.
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This funny looking fish is mostly found in deep waters, and the blob doesn't have any muscles. They feed by swallowing edible matters that float in front of them. Some people have argued and said that the blob fish is the ugliest animal in the world, while some claim that it has a human’s face.
2 Pacu.
This strange looking fish is popularly known for its razor sharp teeth. The Pacu's teeth has been likened to that of a piranha which also has a pointed sharp tooth. The only difference is that the Pacu fish has straighter teeth which looks like that of a human.
3 Gobi Jerboa
They look very much like Rats and they are mostly found in China. They are known to stay in deserts and places which are highly vegetated.
This rodent grows slower than other rodents, they take up to 2 months and 3 weeks before they can start jumping.
4 Goblin Shark
This is one strange looking shark whose specie is very rare in the ocean.
There is a lot of information about this shark which scientists are oblivious to because they have not been able to find a pregnant female Goblin Shark and study it.
5 Long Wattled Umbrellabird
This strange looking Bird is probably one of the funniest looking Bird in the world.
The male Umbrella birds are known to have a large throat wattle of feathers, while this feature is not found in the female specie. The birds are able to control the wattle either in a fight or when showing off.
6 Silkie Chicken
These Chickens are fluffy looking chickens and they possess something different from what other Chickens possess which is 5 toes on each of their foot other Chickens have just 4 toes on each foot.
The Silkie Chickens also appear in two distinct varieties which is the bearded and non-bearded.
7 Venezuelan Poodle Moth
The name of this animal was derived as a result of the resemblance of the animal to a poodle and a moth.
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