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It is interesting to note that although Dr. Birx in one of her White House Task Force Briefings stated to the entire world that most cases that are labeled Covid-19 as the cause of death were not. Not only did she state that, now doctors and nurses are saying they have been directed to label almost any death as a Covid-19 death by their state health departments.

In other words, if the death was because of heart failure, liver failure or WHATEVER THE CAUSE, please label it as a Covid-19 related death to INFLATE THE NUMBERS and keep up the TOTAL FRAUD to make sure the tyrannical lockdown continues along with the PANIC and FEAR factors as well.

But what is the real truth? According to the CDC’s own internal record keeping this entire CV-19 is a FRAUD and a HOAX of massive proportions. Here are the numbers direct from the CDC’s own stats:
Look at the total death due to Covid-19 as of April 11th, a 4-11 by the way. Was the Lord trying to warn us exactly HOW the Global Deep State was going to usher in the New World Order?  How does the deaths of 11,356 justify the lockdown of America, the total suspension of our Bill of Rights, the shredding of our constitution, the near total destruction of our economy and small business? THERE IS NO JUSTIFICATION WHATSOEVER.
However, it does show the population of America just how corrupt and sold out our Sheriff and police departments are to the New World Order. They swear an oath to the Constitution  and Bill of Rights and routinely violate it.

Meanwhile, even on alternative news sites, no mention of this gigantic “padding” of the numbers is mentioned. WHY NOT? Why are THEY promoting this gigantic fraud? Paid opposition? Fear? What?

No, this is all a NEW WORLD ORDER operation, called PHASE ONE, a Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars SHOCK OPERATION. Shock the people, see what they do, find out HOW MUCH OPPOSITION THERE IS, and WHO IS OPPOSING THE LOCKDOWN, and also find out who will not resist and find out how far GLOBAL DEEP STATE can actually go in destroying the people.

CAREFULLY MONITOR, then bring out slowly in articles and comments from deep state leaders the REAL AGENDA to find out if there is any opposition to it or not. Well, all of this has been and still is being done right in the face of the American people and our leaders laugh and mock us all, because in reality they hate us with a passion and want us all dead. If you don’t believe this, do a little research, starting with the Georgia Guidestones and the writings of the elite among us. It is called eugenics, OR we could say THE CULLING OF HUMANITY.
You might also want to take a look at the 4th Beast of Daniel 7 and Psalm Two while you are at it.

Deep State then uses SHOCK ONE (Covid-19) to tweak their plans for the NEXT WAVE, called SHOCK TWO (New horrible virus –  X1), and then LOCKDOWN TWO, the end result, in this case under President Trump, is called PROJECT WARP SPEED vaccine, he said, that is MANDATORY and all at record speed. In the name of FREEDOM and LIBERTY FOR ALL, of course, just as his medical masters have long said. See picture of Fauci giving the Satanic sign – America has been total betrayed and even those who ought to no better DO NOT.
This “new” warp speed vaccine will of course, solve the GLOBAL DEEP STATE agenda for MARKING EVERYONE. If you refuse it you cannot “rejoin society” because you are mean spirited and have no regard for the safety of your fellow citizens and thus, you need to be REMOVED. Not being said at all is how rapidly nano-technology is moving, how SMART DUST (nanobots) will be used to link you into AI and change your DNA and you will be forever lost. The MARK appears to look almost exactly as Ken Peters says the Lord showed him long, long ago.

How did all of this happen, asked Tucker Carlson on his Fox News broadcast. Where did all of this “authority” come from? Who gave the medical establishment all of this power? How is it they could totally suspend the Constitution and place everyone under house arrest when no crimes were committed? Who gave them all of this authority when the Constitution clearly states to the contrary? Who gave Fauci and Birx all of this “power”?
The answer is simple – they have no such authority ANYWHERE. They just TOOK IT, and CLAIMED THEY HAD IT, and very few have even questioned it. But then…
Good questions, all. In point of fact, the laws that give these powers to Federal, State and local medical authorities were all passed basically in secret. The general public is totally unaware as to how much power the so-called “authorities” have heaped upon themselves in the darkness of night because no one bothers to look it up what they are doing or question it. Very few people ever go to open county meetings!
A good example are the Federal “Presidential Executive Orders”, which are written up, declared the “law” and unless Congress says no, they become, IT IS CLAIMED, legal and lawful in 30 days. But who really bothers to read them or even knows about them? The general public? Not a chance, and our deceitful and treasonous rulers know that, and so they just silently heap power upon power upon power!! Folks really ought to take a look at what these “secret” FEMA EXECUTIVE ORDERS say. It really isn’t legal in reality in a just and open society or just because this is all done by slight of hand, by total fraud, just as the IRS is a totally fraudulent agency; mentioned as such by the Holy Bible.
In fact, a researcher took it upon himself to find if the laws under which the IRS claims its powers were true or not. He found out the states never even RATIFIED IT, so, just as the Holy Bible tells us, THE IRS IS A TOTAL FRAUD, and is not legal in any way, shape or manner. It is, just as the bible says it is, a CURSE OF GOD (Deuteronomy 28) because HIS PEOPLE rebelled. Thus, the evil ones, the Satanically controlled ones destined for eternal hell, reign with great power over the Earth. They trade eternal heaven for a few years of power on Earth.
In a just and honest open society, the people who do such treasonous acts would of course be tried and hung for their crimes against humanity, but alas, this is PLANET EARTH, a planet in total lockdown by the Creator, a lockdown so severe that only a few ever escape. Point being that humanity is nearly insane, sick, totally perverted, and so such crimes against humanity wax worse and worse as technology advances, and it all goes totally unpunished. Not only that, they thrive and flourish because, as the Good Book says, EVIL MEN AND WOMEN WAX WORSE AND WORSE and that is because good people do nothing to stop them.

So that’s the story, it is too bad that even alternative media will not report it. So, it is what it is, and as Bill Clinton said “It all depends upon what your definition of is, IS.
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