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How women Endure Mental, Emotional, Phycological and sexual Abuse just to protect the image of the church - Diamond Diepriye

He was a very devoted member of one of the new generational churches then in town.

I used to admire his dedication and commitment to the things of God and that was what really made us closer.

Over the months, one thing led to the other and we soon became an item (Worst mistake of my life). The relationship had ended before it even started.  I practically lost my freedom, rights and privileges to brother.

Then I had just started a computer school or maybe I was in my diploma 2 can't really remember. Dude followed me everywhere, kept tab on my phones, had all my friends contacts and even went as far as policing them as well.

My  friend said it was love. Dude was so insecured. He will twist the bible to cover up his insecurities. The only social life I had was the church. If I'm not attending a program in my church I'm attending the one in his. I had compulsory fastings thrice a week, and compulsory hour of bible studies every day of the week.

One will naturally think that, that's supposed to be the best relationship because it was build on Goldy principles but forget it, even the devil knows and acknowledge that there is God. I got lashed at, at every slight provocation, accused of things that I never imagined existed before and one funny thing was that dude never wasted time to go on his knees crying and begging for forgiveness. He would even blackmail you with "The bible say..." 

If you see him ministering in church, you will wish to go to heaven from church, anointing everywhere. Angelic speaking in tongues, did I add that he was also the youth president and the choir director? One good thing I benefited from the relationship is that I got to learn how to play bass guitar sha.

Dude was a tale bearer, he will tell sympathetic tales to get into ladies pant. The devil was amused at the kind of lies dudes mind could conceive, at a point the devil willingly handed the title of "The father of lies" to him. You needed to cut dudes hand or remove his eyes as evidence when you catch him doing something else the next moment he was gonna lie outrightly that is if not even accused you of the crime sef.

The worst was that you dare not tell it to people or accuse him of all the things he did. No one will ever believe you. But God will always be God. There is one Evangelist dude was closed to in church. Evangelist was engaged to be married to another devoted brother in church also.

I suspected dude and Evangelist but dude will always say "touch not my anointed..." How do you explain being on phone till late night with someone's fiancée? Having special midnight prayers just the both of you at home, not even in church? I kept always kept my cool because I didn't have any proof.

One day I closed from school and decided to stop by dudes house before getting home, got there and met evangelist, obviously she just arrived too. Dude sent me to go get her malt I did. Left them to their prayer meetings and went my way, half way home I checked for my phone and couldn't find it, returned to dude's house and behold my suspicions was confirmed. 

I picked my phone and left. Initially I wanted to report her to her pastor but that will mean canceling her wedding, I left. Dude tried getting me back but couldn't. Went to report himself to my pastor. My church then was a Law church... You know all these "Work out your salvation churches...

 My pastor called me and tried to blackmail me into getting back with dude. Several portions of the bible was opened and twisted to favour them. Baby girl stood her grounds.

I changed my Sim, pack my bags and left town. Baby girl was done with holy ghost filled, speaking in tongues church brothers for life. I left brother and left church as well. 

It was in the process of dating brother that my eyes was opened to what a lot of women goes through in their marriages just to protect the image of the church and because "God hates divorce..." The pastors will call this men and counsel and when they refuse to change they advice they wives to keep praying and endure. 

And that's how so many women's named has changed to sister "Endurance watch and pray" because they don't want to offend the church or be tagged a negative name.

PS: Not all brothers in church are bad but also know that not all of them have actually had their minds transform as well. The church is like any other institution, with all manners of people with different kind of background and orientation. Don't say he goes to church, Does he know God? Does he have a personal relationship with God? After the Charisma on the alter you will live with the character and personality at home.

Learn from others experience. Drop a comment or your own experience in the comments box below. 


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