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Trump's US finally terminates relationship with World Health Organization

US 'terminating relationship' with World Health Organization - Trump
Blaming the World Health Organization for being under 'all out control' of China, US President Donald Trump has cut off all connections to the WHO and said US financing will be diverted to other general wellbeing endeavors. 

"We will today end our relationship with the WHO," Trump declared on Friday at a question and answer session in the White House Rose Garden.He said that the WHO was "forced" by China to misdirect the world about the novel coronavirus, hampering the US and worldwide reaction and bringing about a huge number of passings around the world – including in excess of 100,000 Americans. 

"The world is presently enduring as the consequence of impropriety of the Chinese government," Trump included. As one model, Trump recorded the WHO counsel against prohibiting travel prior this year, and analysis of his choice to end approaching departures from China. Pretty much every nation in the long run halted air travel, notwithstanding Chinese-style lockdown strategies expected to slow the spread of the respiratory malady. 

Trump had sent a letter to WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus fourteen days prior, requesting that the office "get it together" and allowing it 30 days to do as such. He blamed the body for "erroneous and deceiving" proclamations about the coronavirus, and doing Beijing's offering. 

"The main route forward for the World Health Organization is on the off chance that it can really show freedom from China... we don't have the opportunity to squander," he composed. 

"We have nitty gritty the changes that it must make and draw in with them straightforwardly, yet they have would not act," Trump said.Friday's declaration comes 20 days after that letter, in front of the purposeful cutoff time. 

As a major aspect of the question with the WHO, Trump had suspended US subsidizing to WHO back in April. WHO's own numbers show that the US had given $893 million – between part levy and willful commitments – to its financial plan in 2018-19, contrasted with $86 million originating from China. 

The WHO reacted to Trump's financing stop by swearing a "free audit" that will "no uncertainty" show "regions for development" and "exercises for us all to learn," yet said the US choice was lamentable and making "breaks between us" that can be abused by the infection.

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