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Some years back while growing up, a question was thrown to the students in our Bible class on a crucial topic, “what makes you believe and how can you explain to an unbeliever that GOD EXIST?

Hmmm, that was like a moment of silence to a dead question. I raced through my mind what I could possibly reply an unbeliever if I was to be interrogated directly. I stood and I said “ Whenever I talk to Him, He answers back and  anything He says to my ears He’ll do, He always do it”, and that was like 8years ago.

I have invariably been a smart student but that answer didn’t just come from being smart or intelligent, I was still wallowing in religion and confused by church doctrines but I could discern what makes me believe and I was still been spoon fed with milk, trying to grow up in the knowledge of Christ.

That answer wasn’t an assumption but an ideal experience and that was my confession. 

Now, let’s push aside the Christian ideology of seeing GOD by His acts, God in His nature can’t be seen, heard or felt by our human sense organs but yet we have millions of people in different nooks and crannies of the earth believe in His existence.
The major conflict in the minds of people to whether God exist or not is “ THE OCCURRENCE OF EVIL”
Why do we fall sick? 
Why do good people die?
 Why do we struggle to live well? 
Why are innocent babies birthed deformed? 
If there’s truly a God and if this God is loving as believers profess, why do all this ills occur in life. These are the rhetorical but answerable questions that unbelievers and even struggling believers ask.

YES, WHY DID DAD DIED? “I’m sure you must have asked God to keep him”- that you would ask.

Definitely I did ask God to keep him but the fact was that I was busy talking to God and wasn’t listening. I was busy making analogies of what I’ve gone through as a teenager trying to help mum cope with raising us without dad, fear and doubt at that point had already clouded my mind. 
I prayed but I never believed Good could heal him because I didn't understand the meaning of possibilities in impossibilities.

At some point I started believing death could relinquish the pains and just give him rest. We all gave up on ourselves but I was still talking to God but still not listening. DAD DIED! Was that God? 

No, God doesn’t influence our choices, He gives us the freedom to make our choices and decision. 
“ Today, I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curse. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live”  Deutronomy 30 vs 19(NLT)

What do you choose? The ability to make a choice is dependent on the knowledge of who your manufacturer is. 
“My people are being destroyed because they don’t know me” (NLT), king James Version of the bible says “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge”. 

Lack of the knowledge of who God is and what his nature is has actually throng so many into damnation which I would call failure.

I knew God but I had a poor knowledge of what his nature is, that’s why I didn’t understand what the benefits of knowing Him and being rebirth into his kingdom offers. 

I bet you, if it was this year or for like 3 years ago, the devil would have been ashamed, because I now know what I have and I know my rights in God. I know what He says and I understand his word. I am part of a kingdom where darkness has no dwelling place, I can never be sick, I can never be poor, I can never fail and I can never die, God said so and I believe that and it’s working for me.

Trust me, all the theories and scientific speculations of the origin of man is tied down to one truth and that is the existence of a being that caused a change.The history we can’t see is the mystery we believe.

Now how do you explain scientifically how a dead man rises from the dead?
How does a blind person see again?
How does chronic diseases disappear without treatment?
How does people survive a fatal accident without a scratch?
How does a woman at 75 give birth?
How does someone get a job without passing through job process and without recommendation?
How does this happen? Even science can't explain this because those are mysteries from a  supreme being.

 If you believe in these histories, scientific theories that were recorded and transcended to us then you should believe in this mystery that is written in the hearts of men and God is the mystery written in history.

 The conclusion to this is” God exist, just BELIEVE- the access to him is just believing, as simple as that. When you believe, you gain knowledge of who God is and what His nature is. You don’t need church or religion to reveal Him to you, you know God by knowing His voice, He is always speaking to us
©️ Nyakno Benson

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