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6 Most Deadliest Weapons Used By The Nigerian Army. (pictures)

With a military budget of 429 billion Naira, the nigerian army, which is the fourth strongest in africa boasts of some highly sophisticated weapons. As a weapon producing nation, the three branches of the military have been more advanced over the years.

with the fight against insurgency in the north-east and the war against militancy and piracy in the south, Weapons of war have gotten more sophisticated as technology and research is paving the way for the development of next generation military weaponry.

covering the arrays of vehicles and warships, including semi-sonic fighter jets armed with elite missiles that could wipe something off the face of earth, It could be mind boggling to see how far we've come from the days of bucket bombs and procurement of "fairly used" weapons.

Here are the 6 most sophisticated weapons used by the nigerian army.

1. RM-70 multiple rocket launcher

The RM-70 is a 122mm Multiple launch Rocket System.

Typically mounted on the back of a Tatra 8-13 Class Heavy Truck, with a central tyre pressure regulation system to allow its adaptation to any environment.

It is loaded with fourty, 122millimeters rockets, which can fire both individual rounds and in volleys. That's firing all the 40 rockets all together.

The main feature of the RM-70 is its rapid reload system. Once all 40 122-mm stabilised rockets have been fired, the launcher barrels can be aligned with a magazine pack of a further 40 rockets that are then mechanically inserted into the empty barrels.

enabling the RM-70 to deliver two rapid, destructive payloads, each complete payloads lasting a total of between 18 to 22 seconds.

The RM-70 high explosive fragmentation shells can cover a large area up to 3 hectares in one volley.

The resulting fire is a massive robust destruction with almost 256 kg of explosives used in just one volley of 40 rockets.

This is equivalent to the f-7 Fighter jet dropping 5 unguided Bombs simultaneously.

The rockets used are either the Soviet's 9M22 and 9M28, or the "Trnovnik" which is embeded with 63 HEAT-bomblets, making the resulting blow more devastating.

This weaponry has been involved in the war against insurgency in north-eastern nigeria.

2. The Norinco LG3 is a multipurpose fire support weapon manufactured by the chinese.

The LG3 40 mm Automatic Grenade Launcher is an air-cooled, blowback type automatic launcher which fires a variety of high muzzle velocity 40 mm ammunitions.

The best way to describe the Norinco lg3?, picture a machine gun in full operation, now imagine high muzzle velocity grenades shooting out instead of bullets.

it is a belt feld 40 mm fully automatic grenade launcher which can fire 300 to 400 rounds per minute. And can hit targets as far as 2000 meters away.

It can be mounted on a tripod, or combat vehicles and patrol boats,

and its equipped with varieties of sights and fire-control systems, including daylight sight, night sight, and the OS7 automatic telescope sight which increases visibility for its operator in the night time.

Enemy trucks, enemy aircrafts, fleeing armoured carriers are some of the targets the norinco lg3 can take out.

it produces fragments that would kill or wound any personell within a 10 meter radius of impact.

3. CH-3A Rainbow Attack Drone

The CH-3 attack drone provides Nigeria with modern tactical battlefield capabilities without risking the lives of pilots.

It can stay airborne for up to 12 hours, with a maximum payload of 80 kilograms and a range of 2,400kilometres, What no manned aircraft in the Nigerian Air Force inventory can hope to achieve.

It has two hard-points for carrying and delivering guided missiles, including the AR-1, air to ground missile. and can carry a payload of up to 80 kilograms.

It is operated by a 3 man Crew consisting of the Mission Commander, Pilot, and Navigator .

equipped with a Maximum speed of more than 300 km/h and a range of 2,400 kilometers.

The Nigerian airforce operates three of these Attack drones.

Nigeria also operates a number of smaller drones too, entirely homemade for tactical battlefield surveilance.

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