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COVID-19: Extending lockdown will be catastrophic for Nigeria, says Ayade

Cross River state Governor Professor Ben Ayade has cautioned that any further expansion of lockdown of the nation in light of the desolating COVID-19 pandemic will spell fate for the nation. 

He said any further augmentation of the lockdown will give ascend as to wild youth fretfulness, adding that it was smarter to lockout than lockdown. 

The representative spoke Tuesday at the Industrial Park, Calabar. 

Educator Ayade said the enlistment of 8000 young people was focused at keeping away from social pressure taking into account the unforgiving financial effect made by COVID 19. 

Ayade: " With costs of oil falling, bolting out is much better than securing in light of the fact that an additional fourteen days of lockdown will discover this nation under attack by youngsters. Its absolutely impossible you can hold down these youthful energies for a really long time. 

"It is segment, it is insights. Sixty Five percent of the populace is underneath the age of 35 and the infection itself doesn't have penetrative power in such a demography and, that is the thing that we need to perceive as a nation" 

The representative clarified that the distinction in atmosphere conditions between the west and Africa was the explanation the pandemic is desolating that piece of the world. 

"Our demography is unique in relation to the west. Our climatic conditions are extraordinary. In the event that you take the breeze speed, the breeze heading, sun power, radiation and the variables that oversee the development of an infection, our own is a circumstance that makes it hard to spread with the speed it is spreading in the western world. 

"Along these lines, our reaction system ought to mirror our natural affectability. May be what COVID 19 will in the long run do is to hone the cognizance of youngsters to meet up. That will be exceptionally perilous thus, to stop that from really developing, we need to secure positions for them in light of the fact that genuinely, that is the arrangement in the constitution. Segment 14 sub area 2 says the government assistance and security of the individuals are the essential substance of government" 

The Cross River state senator revealed that businesses set up by his organization will assimilate the young people and get them locked in. 

" I need to get the youngsters off the road, I have to get them locked in. I have to get them to endure and that is the quintessence of government." 

He clarified that the desperation of the circumstance has constrained his organization to back off on significant tasks: "Right now, significant ventures need to back off and we need to change consideration regarding the youngsters who for no shortcoming of theirs are out of school." 

The senator supported diverting gifts to the COVID 19 crusade to work creation. "On the off chance that you have worldwide help of N21 billion, you need to discover how to utilize it to make occupations and not how to utilize it on COVID 19 crusade since it will end one day", he said.