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Nigerian Army's Victory over Boko sends foreign agents, fake activists into coma.

Nigerian Army Troops
The Citizens Against Fake Activists (CAFA) accepts the Nigerian Army's ongoing triumph over Boko Haram/ISWAP psychological militants in Yobe State has sent phony activists in the nation just as their teammates outside the shores into a delayed condition of profound obviousness.

CAFA said this is evident as these purported social crusaders and their universal partners have out of nowhere gone AWOL and lost their voices following the soldiers' freedom activity in Buni Gari that left more than 150 extremists dead.

The Nigerian Army, drove by Chief of Army Staff ( COAS ), has gotten huge applause from one and all for changing the tides in its last freedom activity in the Northeast.

The COAS' choice to migrate completely to the Theater of Operations until the escaping fear based oppressors are flushed out has charmed him further to Nigerians however significantly more critically, the global network.

Be that as it may, a few activists, with a long history of condemning the soldiers, have oddly turned visually impaired eyes and stupid, neglecting to recognize this most recent accomplishment.

In an announcement marked by the Interim Secretary General, Abu David, on Monday, CAFA said it had hung tight for more than 24 hours to check whether these activists would in any event respond.

The gathering, in any case, inferred that any semblance of Oby Ezekwesili, Ahmad Salkida, Omoyele Sowore, Aisha Yesufu and Deji Adeyanju are in grieving right now as the Army's accomplishment spoilt their vocations.

CAFA, accordingly, approached Nigerians to censure this sickening bad faith of insidious components who possibly celebrate when they see the nation is losing in the counter fear based oppression war and become quiet when there's a success.

The counter phony fear mongers bunch prompted these flawed Nigerians to have a reconsider and apologize as the nation has a place with everybody and it is just shrewd that residents meet up to construct the Nigeria we had always wanted.

Peruse full articulation beneath:

The Citizens Against Fake Activists (CAFA) has sat tight for more than 24 hours after the Nigerian Army did unequivocal assaults that has killed more than 105 Boko Harm/Islamic State West African Province (ISWAP) psychological militants to see the sort of treatment the undermined activists in the nation and their teaming up global media circuit will provide for the occasion.

Of course, the pack of traded off activists and the universal media have kept up an uproarious quietness on the balance of these psychological oppressors, which has now affirmed that the activism of these distinguished saboteurs has more to do with the financial additions they can make off others' enduring than an enthusiasm to improve the nation.

CAFA noticed that the absence of remarks over 24 hours after the Boko Haram/ISWAP psychological oppressors met their waterloo is pointedly at fluctuation with the time span inside which the purported activists as a rule issue explanations and troll from their online life accounts at whatever point the military recorded any sort of setback in the counter fear based oppression war.

Nigerians ought to right now never again be in question that the weak judgment that these activists generally direct at the military is in actuality an honor of fear based oppressors subsequently their powerlessness to appropriately perceive the achievement that the military simply recorded against the radicals. We encourage Nigerians to denounce this disgusting affectation of underhanded components who possibly celebrate when they see nation is on the losing side in the counter psychological oppression war and become irate when Nigeria is gaining ground.

The impression CAFA shaped from this improvement is that any semblance of Oby Ezekwesili, Ahmad Salkida, Omoyele Sowore, Aisha Yesufu, Deji Adeyanju and other paid activists are in grieving a result of the enormous scope demise visited on the fear based oppressors whose wrongdoings they typically misuse as influence to coerce the military and officeholder government. These pseudo activists are obviously in grieving in light of the fact that a key segment of their occupation, fear based oppression, is tied in with being forgotten about.

CAFA desires these flawed activists to have a reevaluate and atone as Nigeria has a place with everybody and it is just astute that residents meet up to assemble the country imagined by establishing fathers particularly as time is heading out to set up a unified front against the adversaries of Nigeria. Craving or the need to gain cash, even in outside money, will never be an adequate support for agreeing with the adversaries of Nigeria.

In such manner, CAFA similarly censures the exercises of an area of the global media associations that insanely report the exercises of Boko Haram/ISWAP while ignoring the triumphs of government troops, first in holding the fear based oppressors under control and all the more as of late in annihilating them on a scale that is soon to make psychological warfare a relic of days gone by in Nigeria. We know that they abuse the urgency of these paid activists, whom they use as asset people in the purposeless endeavor to offer validity to the falsehoods they tell about the genuine situation in Nigeria's war against psychological warfare. We think that its odd that these worldwide media association can follow each and every movement of Boko Haram however have not had the option to advise their crowd about the psychological oppressors' wellspring of subsidizing and weapons just as the enrollment and radicalization programs that had permitted them recuperate from past corruption by the military. Associations that know reality and keep down on them with the end goal for fear based oppression to stay solid are themselves blameworthy of psychological warfare.

CAFA wholeheartedly commends the Nigerian Army for the blow it managed Boko Haram/ISWAP, which is reliable with the ability of Nigeria's military as we probably am aware it. We are sure that without outer or outsider country obstruction by method for weapons, subsidizing, promulgation and preparing backing to Boko Haram/ISWAP, the Nigerian Army will keep on vanquishing every one of these imposters and their connivances against Nigeria.

We ask the Army to disregard the alleged request for a ceasefire by the confused psychological oppressors. Troops should keep on indicating them the might of the Nigerian military until such a period it is clear that all Boko Haram/ISWAP parts – contenders, officers, digital warriors, NGO arm, paid activists, worldwide media and others are really prepared to permit Nigeria to exist in harmony.