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Police Gun Down Eiye (S.E.C) most notorious killer in Edo State (graphic photos/videos)

Like each other wrongdoing master, Otasowie Osagie before he met his Waterloo had become a loathe figure in Benin City, the capital of Edo State not on the grounds that he didn't conceal the way that he lived off wrongdoing and consistently had a method for avoiding capture. It was principally on the grounds that he saw Upper Sakponba , and its environs, including Igbesamwan Community where he hailed from as executing fields. 

The Notorious Otasowie Osagie was a senior individual from the incomparable Eiye confraternity. 

Otasowie never had respects for human lives, as indicated by occupants of Upper Sakponba in Benin City, he was severe during religion conflicts and assaults anybody immediately . 

Known for rundown execution of adversary and even his own clique individuals, Otasowie was dread embodied. 

Said to be imperceptible with various charms Otasowie is viewed as the most feared cultist in Edo State before he met his waterloo somewhere in the range of hardly any days prior. 

The Rise Of Otasowie. 

Somewhere in the range of hardly any years prior Otasowie became well known when he drove a progression of grisly hits in Benin City that recorded loads of setbacks from an opponent religion gathering. 

Otasowie cut a specialty for himself after each hit pulled he ensured he did a live video to demonstrate it was an effective grisly hit. 

He at that point got famous inside the Eiye confraternity and began prepping his own young men. 

It was claimed he was prepared by a mainstream Eiye Lord, Emeka Ajala who spent on a year ago. 

Sooner than later Otasowie began having backers to run such huge numbers of abominable acts. From burglary to death and faction related killings, Otasowie Osagie was the correct man for the activity . 

He began turning into a successive guest to the security offices and his name began causing a ripple effect among the police power. 

Accepted to consistently have his methods for avoiding capture, Otasowie began having enormous supporters from the diaspora. 

Cash began streaming in his framework and he turned out to be truly perceptible among eyewitnesses of faction conflicts in Edo State when he utilized the Eiye Confraternity to impart dread inside and outside Benin City. 

One of his infantry once flaunted that he was resistant to slugs, cleavers and other lethal weapons, which was the reason Otasowie was "strong during fights." 

Among his casualties are Akpasu, Africa, Don Baba thus numerous other little fellows.


How he met his Waterloo. 

As of late in Benin City there was a faction conflict including the Eiye confraternity and some other religion gatherings ,the youthful Otasowie drove a progression of wicked hits and ensured he did live recordings of the hits. 

Days prior Otasowie pulled a bleeding hit. 

The dad of the expired remembered him and made a report to the police. 

He was captured and taken to the power central station. Recordings of his outrages were recuperated by the police and weapons also. 

Celebration As Otasowie Is Arrested. 

At the point when inhabitants of Benin knew about his capture there was celebration all over and occupants trooped into the State Police Headquarters to affirm for themselves his capture. 

Many recognized the youthful Otasowie as the fear behind the grisly turmoil in Benin City. 

Otasowie was supposedly shot dead close by his partner Osayomore when they had a go at getting away from the power central station in Benin City. 

Watcher's watchfulness is exhorted 

See photographs of Otasowie and a few recordings of his hit beneath.