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5 Things You Gain When You Leave Home and Start Over

How many times have you found yourself at the crux of a big, dramatic change in your life?  How many times did you find yourself in that position on purpose?  Things happen in life, there’s simply no way around it.  Great things, terrible things, confusing things, they’re all a part of it.  And a lot of the time when drastic things happen to a person, it spurs them to drastic behavior, like uprooting your entire life and moving it somewhere else.
It’s a big risk, moving to a new area where you don’t know anybody.  But a lot of us do it anyway, recognizing the ups and downs that will come with it (hoping only for the ups, of course).
When you take on this venture, there are things that change about you and your life, and here are five of them:
Everything is new and you’ll have a lot of ‘first-times’
One of the best things about starting over new in an unfamiliar location is that everything is new.  Your world is suddenly full of potential, as if you were thrown into a scavenger hunt and the grand prize is finding out you’re incredibly happy with your decision to leave.  Adventuring in a new city or town should never been undervalued.
You discover a part of yourself you didn’t know was there
One doesn’t ever truly know how far they can go until going that distance is their only option.  Many of us find comfort in an everyday routine, where every aspect of our day is fairly common and ritualistic.  ‘Going through the motions,’ so to speak.  
When you find yourself in a foreign world and ‘home’ is a million miles away, what do you do?  You make new friends that will hopefully become family.  You channel your inner strength and tackle the world in front of you with passion and intention.  You become someone else, your depth grows.
You’ll always have a place to call home
At the end of the day, you’ll always have a place that you call home.  Should your world fall into darkness and you find yourself sinking when you should be swimming, know that you can go back, and it will be the same as when you left it.  Enjoy your new home and really put forth the effort to make things work, you’ve got nothing to lose.
You have experiences that change your life
Some of your most cherished and unforgettable experiences that turn into lasting memories happen when you’re scared, alone and simply doing things for you, and no one else.  It’s easy to take the path that’s been done before, or the one that is laid out in front of you.  It’s when things become difficult and trying that we truly discover who we are and what we want in life.  Embrace your new city or town and dive into life and everything that comes with it.  You’ll come out on the other side a different person.
You have a new place to call home
Sometimes we leave home because of a bad event or experience, sometimes we leave simply because we felt stagnant.  Regardless of your reasoning, when you’ve found that you’ve actually built and started living a whole new life in a whole new place, you recognize this new place as your home.  And what could be better than having a home?  Having two.

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