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Herbal Treatment for prostate cancer without surgery. - Ofomma Mmirri

 *Tested, effective and trusted...* 

Here goes. Go to any local herbs market and buy like N1,000/ 20ghc worth of SPRING ONION also called leaf onion. 

How to prepare it:
Cut the roots off and wash the leafs with ordinary water. Mash the leafs to a paste and put the paste in a clean bottle into which you can dip a table spoon. Buy a 75cl bottle of fried PALM CANNEL oil pour some of the oil on the paste and mix thoroughly with a spoon and take two table spoonfulls morning and night. Within two weeks the symptoms will disappear completely and permanently.

 No surgery, no expensive drugs. It is one of God's many free gifts to humans. Freely did I get this info and freely you should share it.

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