Breaking News



To all our lost ones
To our lost selves
To our lost time
To our lost resources
To the lost ideas that would have birth amazing success
To the lost time in wrong relationships
To all the online business scheme that took all our money
To all the effort wasted in school studying the opposite of our passion
To all the plans that got shattered by laziness
To our deficient leaders in an underdeveloped country
To all the political promises that were never fulfilled
To the never completed and abandoned projects by our leaders
To all the ladies that lost their dignity because of discontentment
 To all the men that wasted their future pursuing vain fame
To all the strong women who are not feminist but optimist
To all the strong men whose daily bread is from a days job
To all those who committed suicide because they had no reason to live
To all those living with no hope for tomorrow 
To all the abused and rejected
To all who are physically alive but spiritually dead
To all those who fought dangerous diseases and never survived
To those who survive with scars and dents of rejection
To those whose absence makes no difference from presence
To all the dead visions and dreams because of low self esteem
To all those who suffer colour discrimination
To all those who were lied against and jailed to death
To the rejected old parents with witches tag
To the rejected kids on the street with bright futures
To the childhood play that has deformed our today
To all the childhood dreams and pursuit that never and will never come true
To all those who lost their fortune for youthful lust and fun
 To all the people we lost because of our ill lifestyles
To all our social media friends we ignore
To all those who missed their blessings because of pride
For all the time we would have given ourselves but we’re forming busy
To all those without plans for the future
To all those enjoying status quo and comfort zones
To all those blinded by religion and doctrines
To all the skills we learnt and never completed
To all the promises we made and never kept
To all those who lost their jobs and businesses in this pandemic
To all those who will graduate from this home school with nothing
To all those who locked down to fat growth rather than knowledge growth
To everything and to everyone we’ve lost
To everything and everyone we’ll never get back

Pull off your headdresses 
Meditate, reminisce and reflect
Let’s observe a moment of silence

©️ Nyakno Benson

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