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New ISIS leader Abdulnasser al-Qirdash ‘arrested by Iraqi special forces in raid’

ISIS leader Abdulnasser al-Qirdash has been arrested by Iraqi intelligence experts, according to reports tonight.

He assumed day-to-day control of the terror group following the death of former leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

2 Abdulnasser al-Qirdash has reportedly been arrested by Iraq's intelligence services

“Today, the terrorist named Abdulnasser al-Qirdash, the candidate to succeed the criminal al-Baghdadi, was arrested,” the statement from the Iraqi National Intelligence Service read.

Baghdadi was killed when US forces stormed his compound in northwestern Syria and he blew up self-up with a suicide vest after being cornered in a tunnel last October.

At the time ISIS stated: "Whosoever fulfills what he has covenanted with Allah...he will bestow on him a great reward."

The terror group then went on to warn America not to "rejoice in the killing" of its former leader before adding future attacks will not be limited to the Middle East.

2 Baghdadi was killed when US forces stormed his compound in northwestern Syria Credit: Reuters

The speech threatened: "America, don't you realise that the Islamic State is now at the forefront of Europe and West Africa? It is extended from the East to the West."

It also called on followers to continue Baghdadi's mission to free captured ISIS prisoners so they can cause bloodshed across the planet.

Baghdadi raid vid shows US Special Forces storming compound in mission that killed ISIS leader and five others

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