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Nigerians at risk as mamoth Crowd storms Banks and Major Bus Stops in Lagos without facemask after Lockdown

Lagos occupants have turned out in enormous numbers on Monday the fourth May, 2020 following a month lockdown in Lagos, Ogun and Abuja because of the spread of COVID-19.

The enormous turnout in Lagos has created responses from concerned Nigerians. Many twitter clients have communicated dissatisfaction at the level social separation approach of the Government is being abused over the state.

Crowd at Guarantee Trust Bank in Lagos, on Monday 4th May, 2020.
In reacting to the crowed gathered in major Lagos bus stops, One Salman Duke said "the NCDC should get ready for more tests, while hoping the NCDC has enough test kits for the capacity of the FGN decision, he urged Lagos State government to prepare more bed spaces.

Image Showing Lagos Road in the Morning of 4th May, 2020.
"And to the doctors I urge them to prepare their minds on making decisions on who to attend to" - Said Salman Duke.
 palliatives to the majority illiterate masses to remain at home until the pandemic reaches its peak and the curve start bending. Pushing them out in harm's way is evil" - said Vincent.

In answering to Vincent's tweet Oluwaranti Okufuwa stated, "What do you know? I'm a Lagosian, in Lagos at the present time. Individuals griped they ought to be sans let, and you are here grumbling for Lagosians. Government has discharged us, Lagos state Government has forced their rigid conditions for you to step out. Display the principles, accuse nobody" - said Oluwaranti.

Vincent likewise included saying "This is the thing that you get with a duplicate government, no innovation. The US is endeavoring to dial down the lockdown the Nigerian govt has bounce as of now.

Same government asking for ventilators

US test normal 250,000 individuals for every day. Nigeria is bragging having tried 10,000 out of 2 months" - included Vincent.

We ought to expect expanded number of affirmed cases in the states that have quite recently facilitated lockdown, particularly Lagos, Ogun and Abuja. Furthermore, we need to accept our administrations at all level are set up for the result of this.

New Sitting Arrangements in Lagos BRT transports.

Should we reprimand the administration for lifting the lockdown or accuse occupants who might never watch social removing taking a gander at the scenes in Lagos on Monday.

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