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Reason why I transgend to a boy, R.Kelly's daughter opens up.

Jaah who is now 18 years old was initially named "Jay". She is the 2nd daughter of the embattled black American musician "R-Kelly". She is also into music and has risen in her Career as a music star. At 14, she subjected herself to a trangender surgery where she became a boy.

Going by her personal story, she had to do the surgery because she realised very early in her life as a teenager that she was romantically attracted to her fellow girls, despite the fact that she was a girl like them at that age. This was a weird feeling to her and the people around her as the reverse was supposed to be the case. i.e, girl to boy and boy to girl relationship.

She disclosed that she had subsequently found her self falling into deep depression at many points in her life and this led to her spending over 3 unproductive weeks in one mental health home to get adequate treatments. She says she doesn't care what people would call her, as long as she was happy with herself, what they say didn't matter.

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